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Providing a Customer Value Proposition: What Problem Are You Solving?

Identify your Customer Value Proposition and Boost Sales

Surprisingly, most salespeople can’t answer this one simple question: What problem does your offering solve? I believe not knowing the answer is why most people get average results with their sales techniques. Many salespeople master the ability to describe their products’ features and benefits, but when asked the question “what does that mean to your […]

Using Sales Techniques & Persuasive Language When Closing Sales

Closing Sales Using Persuasive Language

Sales techniques are important, but how you speak and communicate matters as well. The right persuasive language can go a long way when it comes to closing sales. In fact, there are certain phrases that you can work into conversations, emails, and texts that will help you increase your chances of making a sale. One […]

The Psychology of Sales Objections & How to Overcome Them

Sales Closing Techniques to Overcome Sale Objections

I want to give you a bit of sales psychology today and use a really elegant way to let the prospect know that their objection is justified but that it isn’t something unique or unexpected. Why would we want to do this? Why would we want to send a message to a prospect that their […]

Sales Motivation to Help You When It’s Not Working

Sale Slumps Do End

If you are in sales long enough, there will come a time when you’ve been working incredibly hard, but the results aren’t reflecting your efforts. I understand how frustrating that can be and I want you to know that a sales slump happens to everyone, even the best of us. I remember when I was […]

The Graveyard of ‘Why’ Questions

Asking “Why” Questions

Asking the right sales questions is important. A study by Fisher and Patton for the book Getting to Yes showed that a “Why?” question escalates conflict in negotiations. You might think that asking someone “Why” is an innocent way to learn more about them and their situation, but the reality is that usually isn’t true. […]

Use the System

Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect. It’s a saying we’ve all heard many times, and it’s true. Pro athletes don’t get out of bed one day and win a championship. They work hard for years, hone their skills, and keep learning and developing every single day. This is what separates the greats from the talented. Remember this when […]

How to Unlock a Lock

Learn the right keys to unlock sales

You can’t unlock a lock simply by knowing the numbers in the code; you need to enter those numbers in the right order. This is an example about how having the right information doesn’t necessarily help you solve a problem. It’s how you apply this information that matters.  The same is true with our system. […]

Using Pain to Motivate Your Prospect

People buy when they’re in pain

People tend to buy when they are in pain. This makes sense when you think about it, right? When you’re uncomfortable or lacking something, you’ll be a lot more likely to buy then when you’re feeling content and don’t think you need anything. That’s obvious and it’s a big reason why many sales strategies and […]

Active Listening

The power of active listening

One of the worst feelings you can get when you’re talking to someone is the impression that they’re not listening. We’ve all been there. You’re talking about something important and interesting and the person you’re speaking to doesn’t seem to be listening to a word you’re saying. It’s frustrating.  Of course, the other person could […]

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