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Use the System

Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect. It’s a saying we’ve all heard many times, and it’s true. Pro athletes don’t get out of bed one day and win a championship. They work hard for years, hone their skills, and keep learning and developing every single day. This is what separates the greats from the talented. Remember this when you’re working on your professional development.

Experience is the best teacher. Again, think of an athlete. A superstar rookie can be successful and thrill people with their skills, but they’ll also make mistakes. However, as they grow and develop and gain more experience, these mistakes happen less and less. 

The same is true in any field, and is why it’s so important to use the system. By using it, you practice and gain experience, and that makes you better. 

Commit to 15 minutes a day and go through a sales training process in order. Don’t jump around in the core content, but jump around in the fast track. Then try what you hear. This is how you learn. 

You don’t learn by just listening; you learn by trying and doing and failing forward. Having the information is important, as it sets you on the right path, but if you’re not practicing and gaining experience, you won’t truly learn.

Training matters. If you train hard, the fight gets easier. When you’re fighting for territory or sales, experience matters. This is the power of The Martinelli Sales Method and why you should get started today. Give yourself the time you need to build the experience you require. 

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