Turning Weaknesses into Strengths: A Key Sales Strategy

In sales, one of the most powerful strategies is to address your weaknesses before the prospect does. If you’re facing a common objection, like a competitor offering a lower price, the best way to overcome it is to take control of the conversation by acknowledging it upfront. Effective sales training programs and methodologies often highlight […]
Driving Urgency in Sales: The Key to Boosting Performance

In sales, creating urgency is one of the most critical skills you can develop. When you can convey why a prospect should act now rather than wait, you unlock a powerful motivator that drives decision-making. Effective sales performance management and training in salesmanship often focus on this technique—mastering it may make the difference between closing […]
Taking Control in Sales: How to Maximize What You Can Control

In sales, there are things you can and cannot control. Success hinges on understanding what’s within your control and focusing your efforts there. The best sales plans and business coaching emphasize a straightforward principle: control the controllable and maximize your results by focusing on these areas. Every word you choose, every question you ask, and […]
Mastering First Impressions: The 4-Second Rule for Sales Success

In sales, your first interaction with a prospect is everything. From the moment they see you, those first four seconds are critical. Within that tiny window, you need to establish three key perceptions in their mind, which will shape how they view you and your offer. Here’s how you can maximize those crucial seconds and […]
Does Business Coaching Help You Succeed?

Beyond sales coaching questions, one of the most common questions I’m asked is how I grew my first business—an office cleaning business—into a multi-million dollar company. When I sold it, we were cleaning a hundred buildings a day. How did that happen? Was it business coaching? Was it the right connections? Was it luck? Two […]
Confidence and Sales Training Programs

Have you ever noticed that the smartest person in the room is often the least intense, the most casual, and the least attached to the outcome? Experts show a calm confidence in how they carry themselves, and that’s how you have to come across in sales. Sales training programs teach you strategies and tactics, but […]
Your Sales Plan When Someone Isn’t the Buyer

It’s impossible to sell to a person who is not authorized to buy. No matter what your sales plan may be or what sales courses you’ve taken, you can’t sell to someone if that person cannot make the decision to buy. You may often find yourself talking with a person whose responsibility it is to […]
Training Salesmanship: Dealing with “Maybe”

In sales, you have to know the meaning of what your prospect says. Listening to understand is a key part of the sales process, but it isn’t always easy. Perhaps the hardest word to translate is the word “maybe.” When you get a “maybe” from your prospect, you must immediately stop the forward movement of […]
Sales Strategy and Your Commitment Objective

Some salespeople go into every meeting thinking that the objective is to close the sale. You’ve almost certainly heard the phrase “always be closing,” right? The reality is that closing the sale shouldn’t always be your goal because only thinking of the close often causes people to rush through the process. They skip steps in […]
Are You Being a Bother?

Let me ask you a question: Am I bothering you right now? I don’t think so, but that’s one of the biggest fears salespeople face. They don’t want to come across as a nuisance. However, that’s not the right way to approach it. Instead, think of yourself in terms of the value you bring. You […]